It’s a pleasure to welcome you to this amazing art program that will have your child wanting to take the next class back to back.

The best Art Classes for kids Creative minds. Come relax and unwind in a safe place made for artist, by artist. Here, everyone is encourage to be creative and original.

Let’s paint, Learn and Have fun!


The art experience that your child will enjoy will include many different mediums, such as clay and sculpting to watercolor and tempera paintings. The classes are easy to follow and you can pause for your own convenience. Your child will enjoy drawing, building and sculpting their own masterpiece.

“ArtBox 4 Kids”


Sculpting is an amazing art form. It teaches art in a three-dimensional way, by feeling the texture, get messy and create with your hands a very different art form. We use different materials like clay, plaster and paper-mache creating keepsakes for life.

“ArtBox 4 Kids”


Block printing is a simple and fun way to printmaking. A print is made by transferring ink directly from a drawing on a foam plate, to print it onto the paper.

“ArtBox 4 Kids”


Drawing is the foundation of any art form. By using the basic shapes like circle, square, rectangle and ovals, a child learns that they can draw almost anything by breaking down a picture into those simple shapes.

“ArtBox 4 Kids”


Anytime a new way of painting is tried, the understanding of what paint and paint tools are capable of opens up for many new possibilities and creative ways to make art. Enjoy creating and discovering as your child draw, drip, smudge, glop, paint and sculpt your way through these amazing art classes.

“ArtBox 4 Kids” 

Visual Learning

In these times of online studies children learn a lot from graphic sources. Now more than in the past children need to know more about the world than just what they can learn through text and numbers. For a child to be able to work with their hands and develop all of their senses through their developmental skills, art becomes such a vital important part of their daily lives.

Quality & Value

At ArtBox 4 Kids we understand the importance of learning and exploring art. Many of the fine motor skills involved in making art, such as holding a paintbrush or drawing are essential to the growth of a child’s mind. Art is very much tied with the typical Montessori goals: to help a child increase dexterity, concentration, fine motor skills, hand and finger strength, and coordination.

Language Development

For children, making art or just talking about it provides an opportunity to learn what primary and secondary colors are, shapes and actions. They can talk about their creations and explain the elicited artwork that they create with different styles and mediums.

Decisions Making

Art education strengthens problem solving and critical thinking skills. A child that is exploring the art will develop thinking and experimenting and trying new ideas. This creativity will blossom into developmental thinking in all areas of the child’s life leading into an adult with abilities to “think outside the box”.


When kids are encouraged to express themselves and take risks in creating art, they develop a sense of innovation that will be important in their adult lives. Art is a way to encourage the process and the experience of thinking and making things better!